Thursday, January 3, 2013

In my nine days of truely love gave to me nothing because I don't have a true love

 Well, I have been horrible the last two weeks at writing every day with this whole break up situation so I will break down my two week vacation from work.

Christmas eve- well Jeffrey, that special man had a lot to drink, this made Christmas Eve with the family interesting to say the least. Also Kermit came over, three hours late, but he slow danced with me outside while it was snowing. It was romantic. The first fight we got into he pulled me into his arms and danced with me outside his truck. He left shortly after that but I did think that my very drunk father was going to knock him out, he didn’t, so all in all it was a win.

Christmas day- there were presents involved and who doesn’t like presents!

Boxing day- I was up at 4 o’clock and Kermit picked me up at 5 and we went shopping all morning. It was OK  Kermit was kind of grumpy, probably because he isn’t get laid and I made him come shopping with me.

Dec 27- Kermit’s grandma passed away. She has been extremely sick for a long time, like before we started dating, so I personally see this as a good thing because her quality of life was extremely poor. The lady hasn’t said a sentence in the two and half years we dated. Although it’s sad, I really think she isn’t in pain any more and so that it is kind of a blessing. But I don’t voice that opinion because Kermit is very sad, obviously. I saw Kermit’s mom that day too and I think I missed her almost as much as Kermit.

Dec. 28 – I took a road trip with my sisters, mom and niece! We went shopping. I was bored after a couple of hours so I took on the roll of hanging out with my niece, Bess, we walked around Home Sense playing a harmonica and dancing. People were staring at me but I am sure it is because of how awesome I am with a harmonica. If harmonica playing and tap dancing were actual careers I am certain I would excel at them and not  be so damn lost with what I want to do with the rest of my life

Dec. 29 – I party rocked that night with a bunch of Abbey’s friends. Oh man she has hilarious friends. I also gave my number to a guy from Perth. He never called/texted. I now hate all guys from Perth. I significantly lowered my standards so that this wouldn’t happen. Dam you guy from Perth. Why you know call me?! Being single is hard. Kermit is some where in Saskatchewan being sad. This begins the start to my annoyance of the morning of his grandma. I am a horrible person.

Dec. 30 – I am obviously exhausted from party rocking the night before so I shopped and slept. Kermit has now reached full annoyance level of being sad. I am going to hell. I know. Horrible person. But I have zero grandparents left, my mother grew up without parents, millions of children grow up dealing with the loss of a parent or parents at a young age, or parents the loss of a child. I have much more sympathy for those people who have lost parents at a young age, a child, but a grandparents, especially ones where you know how sick they are and how much pain they are in,   I will give you a pat on the back, give you my condolence and hope you are mature enough to realize that they lived a long, happy life and while yes it is sad, we don’t need to talk about it in every single conversation like it’s the end of the world… Straight to hell is where I am going.

Dec. 31 -  HAPPY NEW YEARS! Well, let me tell you. This may have been one of the best New Years Events I have participated in. I went to that self esteem boosting pub that Dana and I like to go to and ran into Jenna’s brother and all his friends. And well,  I met a boy. A nice boy, with even nicer abs. Dear God be jealous, the things I would lick off his stomach.  So we went back to his older brothers house (not just me and him, I am a classy Cassie) and this is where my story gets awesome! Guess who lives in the basement of that house that I went to! Kermit’s step brother! How glorious is that! Guess who got kissed on that brothers couch! ME! HA! If that isn’t karma kicking Kermit in the frog balls I don’t know what is. I felt super guilty. Like actually really guilty for kissing sexy stomach man. I mean I shouldn’t, we aren’t together, he let me walk away, he isn’t fighting for me, hell we barely talk, he doesn’t even seem interested in me. But I still feel guilty.

Jan. 01 – Sexy stomach man messages me on Facebook first thing that morning (we’ve actually been facebook friends for years, I guess because we have a lot of mutual friends, but we’ve never talked on it, I did casually creepy on him once). My stomach started doing back flips. I am horrible at games, I used to rock at them, I knew what to say, when it say it, because I practiced a lot in my on-line dating stage, now I am out of practice. I want to just be like this is what I am want/need if you can’t do these things then tell me now because I am not wasting my time on another relationship of lies.  Sexy stomach man asked me to come over, I know that’s code for sex, my momma didn’t raise know fool, and as good as a roll in the hay would be at this point, I have to be selective of my sexual partners cause well, I wasted all my random sex being a skanky hoe at 18. 

So that was my holiday. Hope yours will filled with a lot more sex then mine was ;) 

Love your ex-girlfriend who partied rocked the holiday away

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