Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 50...Warning this post involves a huge random penis

I know you've all been like "God damn Justine, you've been whiny and boy obsessed lately. Go back to being awesome and stop having feelings!" Well, to that I say, I agree. I also say you are in for a treat. I am about to make it up to you.

I picked up an internet stalker a month or so ago, remember? Of  course you do, because you hang off of every word I write like I am Shakespeare. So you know, the one who kept messaging me, like ten times, even when I didn't reply. Him. Well, I deleted him off my phone and he popped back up last week and I was feeling sad so I messaged him back. Mistake! You give a stalker an inch and they show up at your house.

Well, I stopped replying to him and this morning the messages started again.

"hey beautiful"


"how's your day?"

"should I just delete you"

now I start to feel bad so I say

"I am super busy. Sorry."

I thought that he would get the hint? EVEN I WOULD GET THAT HINT! I think. I mean, that is the nicest way I could think of to end the conversation and have him get the hint that I didn't want to talk to him any more.

So this is what happens next.

BAM!!!!!!IT'S A FUCKING PENIS! IT'S A HUGE FUCKING PENIS! DOES "I AM SUPER BUSY. SORRY" ACTUALLY MEAN SEND ME A DICK PIC? BECAUSE IF IT DOES I WILL NEVER BE BUSY OR SORRY AGAIN! ( I know I shouldn't put random junk pictures online, but if you send a picture of your dick to a random girl you've never met, you are asking for it to be spread on the internet.)

Then he goes

"you like?"

I'd like if it wasn't attached to you and was attached to some one less stalkerish, creepy and better looking. 

How does one even respond to that? WHY DO PEOPLE FEEL THE NEED TO SEND ME PICTURES OF THEIR GENITALS! Do I give off some vibe that I am unaware of?  Do people think that I need to see a picture of their junk and have it saved onto my phone? I know where youporn is, I don't need your random dong on my phone. The internet is filled with them. Although the is the biggest dong I have ever seen. Except for maybe Mike's, because his is exceptionally big as well. Don't ask me how I know that. 

But seriously. What does one say back to that? I am currently taking suggestions because I have no fucking clue. So far this is what I've come up with...

Nice dick? Please don't talk to me again?

I think I've seen your dick on youporn before. I don't date men in the porn industry, please don't talk to me again.

error: I have turned into a lesbian. Sorry. (courtesy of Kirsten)

or my final idea is

I just want you to know...I write a blog...all my readers have now seen your dick. Sorry. I don't think it will work out between us. But thanks for the great blog post.

Seriously. Who does that?!

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