Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Self realization comes through beers at a baptism

When I was in my late teen years I had a group of girlfriends and we were best friends. There was a group of us who thought we would grow up together, have kids, wear Chanel and pretty much be like Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda. New people would come in but for the most part there was a solid group who would have been able to look back when we were 30 and remember that crazy girl’s trip to B.C or the Tuesday night we took a stripper to the bar. But I guess people change and things happen you can’t take back and words hurt you to much to move past.
I have a hard time letting go of people. Generally when I like you, you are stuck with me for life unless you become so crazy I can’t handle you. But I tend to hold onto people because I am some what of a nice person and just want to make people happy and silly me, I bought into the idea that Sex and the City plays up that just because life goes a million different directions you friends are there for you. Not always the case.

But  I am blessed enough to say that over the years I’ve accumulated a couple of friends who have been there through thick and thin, but what I am talking about is the friends you thought you would have forever then one morning you wake up and realize you aren’t really friends with that person at all any more.
I started to think about all the relationships I had formed with different girls and how most of my girlfriends from my early teens I simply just don’t talk to any more and then I compare them to the few I have left and realize how lucky I am to be blessed with a handful of amazing friends. But part of me still misses the group of girls who helped form me into this completely lost person I am today. I kept thinking how we had grown apart or lost contact and become different people, or in one girl in particular things just got so twisted and fucked up I snapped. I remembered sitting around for hung over Sunday’s drinking Caesar’s and talking about our drunken adventures. Part of me missed that and being the emotion cutter I am couldn’t or wouldn’t let it go. I would try to patch things with them and it just continually didn’t work or when I would hang out with them I would come home and be in complete shock of how different we were now.
For the last little while I have been extremely upset about this. I just felt alone and I would see then with there stupid baby pictures on Facebook and it would just suck. I mean hell we are twenty three people! I am not behind on the baby timeline I just know how to properly use birth control and don’t feel the need to make a bad relationship work with a man that doesn’t love me or I don’t love him! I don’t feel the need to continually talk about myself (at least in person, I realize I am writing a blog about myself) and I am an appropriate level of crazy, my life isn’t always filled with drama and generally I just talk about my shitty job and my crazy days. I don’t have fights with girls because they’ve spelt with my boyfriend, I don’t sleep with friends boyfriends, I don’t get charged with assault, I don’t say I love a guy after dating for two week only to break up with him a month later. I am a normal level of crazy.

 But for some reason I hold onto these “friendships” not wanting to let go. But last night I had an amazing skype date with two of the best girls who sadly live on the other side of Canada and aren't there to always talk sense into me. Abby said to me

“if you want to be friends with the type of people who can manipulate you into feeling this way that seems a little crazy even for you. Justine, they shot gun beers at a baby’s baptism. I don’t think you are missing out on much”

For some reason it took me hearing it from her to realize that even though letting go isn’t easy, some times it’s just better to move on and let relationships pass because its better for you in the long run. So that is what I am going to do, learn to let toxic relationships with people go. So if ever I am telling you about my shitty encounter with a guy I used to sleep with and your response is 

"doesn't my hair look fabulus today. God I look awesome"

I probably wont answer and now will just walk away. 

 I know this was a sappy post but this blog is about me finding my way and I feel like in the friend department I’ve made headway. So bravo to me and thank you to the girls who are always there for me, Jenna, Dana, Abby, Christina, even when we are a million miles away, having a baby and having our world turned upside down you are the best 

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