Monday, December 17, 2012

Day Seven: The good, the bad, the ugly

It feels like I've been away from him for days but I can remember the look in his eyes when he was happy like he is right in front of me. That’s what I miss the most. That look in his eyes that would tell me he loved me and he was happy. A look I hadn't seen in long time. Augh. So cliché and so very pathetic.

I find it’s the hardest when I am alone. When I have time to deal with every thing I am feeling, to think about him and contemplate what went wrong and when it started to go wrong. Those hours that come late at night when I don’t have some thing to take my mind off of him, I dread those hours like that little hobbit did as he marched towards Mordor; yes, with that much impending doom. I am doing good with keeping myself busy but it’s just masking the feelings that I have to deal with when I am alone. Although, I am never really “alone” because I live at home, with my father and my mother and my 15 year old brother, so being alone is a lucrative term.

But a small part of me knows that those are the hours I have to become okay with, I know that those are the hours that are going to make me a stronger person. I need to become okay with being alone again and doing things by myself because the one thing I do know for certain is that I am embracing this break up and taking time to reach my goals and do things for myself and I am not jumping into a relationship, so Santa better bring me a vibrator and a joint because I am embracing being alone.

Last night I made lists, because not only did the book It’s Called A Breakup Because It’s Broken suggest it, I happen to love making lists. That’s right I am a list person.
This is the first time I embraced what I missed about him, I let myself remember the good, the bad, and the ugly. I took some time and reflected on our relationship, I remember every good memory we had together and every bad, from the first night in our first place together to the night I found out he lied to me about Dana and how painful that was. So here is my first list

Best Qualities
His sense of humor
His ability to talk through problems
His compassion
Desire to keep learning
His passion for things that interested him
Loyalty to family
His ability to push me to try knew things
His ability to make me want to be a better person
He helped out around the house a lot


His work ethic
His listening skills
His temper
Lack of spontaneity
Lack or ownership when he makes mistakes
His immaturity
How he wasn't supportive/always was about him/didn't compromise 
His uncertainty about our future
He wasn't sensitive to my feelings
He is deceitful and dishonest

Then I made a list of things I will miss and things I wont miss. This was harder because this is where the reflecting on our relationship really happened.

Things I’ll miss
His touch
His kiss
His company
Lazy Sundays
Playing around
Having some one to talk to
Having some one who understands
His stories
His eyes and smile
Small romantic gifts
Joking around with him
His family
Feeling safe
The poems and love letters
How he made me appreciate the small things in life and not rush through it

Things I won’t miss
His lying
Not feeling good enough
His temper
Average sex
Putting me second to his relationship with other girls
Lack of trust in our relationship
When we went some where I would always be waiting for him to get ready because he would leave it till the last moment. So annoying
Always worried what people thought/think
How he would cut me down

So that’s what I came up with, so far any ways. There was a lot of good. Our relationship was good for a long time, until it wasn't. I am coming to terms with that.

Tomorrow it will officially be one week without talking to him. I am sincerely thankful that I am stubborn and when I set goals I achieve them.

Love your ex girlfriend who appreciates every thing you did but knows every thing you've become

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