Friday, November 2, 2012

Worst person ever award goes to....

I am steeling from the Canadian Diabetes Society. You know your life has reached a new low when you get to type of those words. Here is the thing, my boss took away are vending machine, which I never used because that would cost me money but we do have this box that sits on my desk. It’s a box filled with chocolate bars, chips, Nibs, you know, all the good stuff that I shouldn’t eat. But they just let it sit in this box, open to the world, and expect you to put your money in a little slot and take your junk food.

I don’t put money in ever. I don’t carry around change! I am not a stripper, I don’t have loonies floating around, it’s 2012 people use plastic and cardboard slots don’t except plastic. So when I want one of these treats from the box I put an IOU in. At first the lady who picks up the box and drops the new box off would put things like
“you owe 5 dollars”

I’d just take off the sticky note and keep going with my day. I figured her notes were about as effective as my IOU’s. 

But really here is my conclusion

1)      This may make me the worst person in the world for ripping off all the poor diabetics in Canada. But one of my friends is diabetic and so I’ll make sure to apologize and maybe buy him a beer to make up for it.
2)      Does any one else see the irony that they are selling candy to raise money for diabetes?! Who thinks of this shit? That’s like selling cigarettes to stop lung cancer! For being that stupid they deserve to give me free candy

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