So, boss man has been doing some serious layoffs lately, and
because I am a hard working individual, some days, I made the cut, I have a
job, but you know who didn’t make the cut, the cleaning lady, so that means I
have to clean up after gross disgusting toothy and his friends with equally
poor hygiene. Let me tell you I am neither Mexican or a struggling surfer, so
cleaning toilets is not in my forte, but boss man scares the hell out of me and
efforts to keep my job, until I find a new one, I am cleaning like a mother
fucker. But that is really what began this whole job search thing, I really
have a hard time doing the dishes for grown men who are more than capable of
doing their own and an even harder time scrubbing someone else’s shit off a
toilet, unless I am getting some kind of sexual favors for it, and my requirement for that to happen is you have to have no one here makes the cut, sadly.
But see, this whole situation has thrown a freaking loop
into my plan, work here till October, go to Thailand for a month, have a blasty
blast in Thailand, come back wiser and cultured and start school in January,
cause this bitch is going back to school ya’ll! This is a deadly plan. I am
excited about this plan, this plan has taken YEARS to come up with and I came
up with this plan all by myself. Note how there is no mention of a boy in that plan, because I am tuning into my inner Beyoncé and becoming an independent women as well as a
contributing member to society!
But between the toilet situation and this imminent fear of
losing my job I put out a few resumes
and that lead to the job interview yesterday. I was fully expecting to trade
one shitty office job for another shitty office job, I have done this
interview, I have dazzled the interviewer with my charm and smart and mature
answers, I wrote the fucking book on bad office jobs. But then, I went to this
interview and was genuinely excited about this position and the company and now
I find myself in full panic mode because I have just made a plan and I like my
plan, why interviewer did you have to dazzle me with your job opportunity that
sounds actually fun and exciting. WHY WHY WHY! But I am not stressing, I don’t
know if I have the job yet, I don’t know if I want the job yet, I know that on
paper it sounded good. And we know that just because something sounds good on
paper doesn’t mean they produce. So I’m not into full panic mode yet, just to
keep ya’ll up dated.
By the way, no I have not moved to Texas, I am just one
season down in Friday Night Lights and I’ve grown quite fond of saying ya’ll
like the people do on the show.
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