Friday, November 16, 2012

Wine you are my downfall

Dana came over last night and I helped to on her journey to become a girl, meaning that I showed her how to properly put on make up and put in hair extensions. Well she brought wine. I should have known because she makes her own wine and is currently unemployed so she can get all kinds of wastey pants and not have to go to work the next day. Well 4 glasses of wine, two hours of hair extensions and make up later I was a little tipsy which always show the way to bad decisions on my part. I swear you could convince me to do any thing after 4 glasses of wine (not in a pervert way. Perv). Plus we had just spent two hours basically getting ready and that would just be wasteful.

 So we went out to my favorite ego boosting, dirty pub. I swear this pub is the best place to go if you are feeling bad for yourself. It was what I needed and you can judge me all you want but some times you just like to hear you are beautiful and smart from drunk men for two hours straight. Some times you need your vibrator. Chocolate and Mandy Moore in A Walk to Remember and some times you need drunk men hitting on you.

I am paying dearly for it today. It is 27 degrees in my office and we didn’t have internet most of the day and it was the first day in 2 weeks that my boss has been at work and this is the day I choose to be hung over at work.

Moral of the story I am not as smart as the guy playing pool claimed I was last night; a smarter girl would have put the wine bottle down and not done those shots.

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