Friday, November 9, 2012

It's the wine talking not me.


Happy Friday! This weekend can't be any worse then last weekend. Last weekend was shit. SO it can't get much worse then that! AND on the plus size I drank half a bottle of wine to myself and listened to angry music while I cleaned my house and cooked supper and then cleaned up after supper. BUT HEY! you sit there and play video games boyfriend. That's cool, I got this, you had a hard day of....playing video games. 

The boyfriend and I are slowly starting to get back to normal, which really means after spending 4 days crying, I’ve stopped crying and we are “talking” and “working on it” and he isn't being a a complete dick head now. Which is good because I honestly love that man more then any thing, which is a big ball of suck and awesome at the same time. I love him so much I went and got Jenna to go buy the new Halo game for him because he really wanted it and I wanted to surprise him. Fail by me, because I basically just rewarded him for being an ass.
But over the last four days I have been bombarding Jenna with text messages, crying phone calls, angry phone calls, dropping by her house because I have know where else to go. I mean I have my mom, and my mom is amazing, but my mom doesn't have the poor you attitude, she has the stop fucking crying over a guy, you are better then that shit attitude.  Jenna is a lot more sympathetic then my mom, she will make you tea  a drink and let you cry, but you know what else she will do? Come up with diabolical plans with you. Plans in case you get your heart broken that may or may not involve some kind of Miranda Lambert type lyrics, plans that involve hidden camera’s and ex boyfriends, regardless, these plans are awesome, slightly crazy, but I blame the wine and not me.  Let me share how supportive she is
Wine: How much do you think it would cost to put spy cameras in my house and how bat shit crazy would I be if I did so?
Jenna: Oh fuck no we can get them on the internet for cheap, like $100 bucks. I know people.
See the support? Ya. I know that’s crazy, but she supported me.
Her talking about coming with me to and event that I really don’t want to go to but in a drunken night said I would go too
Jenna: Justine for all intensive purpose I would say yes but I would beat the shit out of some one…I’ll come visit and bring you treats.
Me: well if I wouldn’t have said yes already I wouldn’t be going
Jenna: Just say some thing came up…like a soccer tournament in the Yukon.
Totally plausible right?
                Jenna: Dude. I have the day off Friday, I got cha back. I will 007 this shit up.
And that is what true friends do. Let you be crazy when you need to be crazy, feed you drinks, and stalk.

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