have never confessed to being the healthiest person on the block but I play
soccer twice a week and go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week (generally) and I don’t
eat Mcdonalds every day, once in a while sure, but generally I am an average
level of healthy. But I also do a lot of unhealthy stuff to my body but what
grinds my gears is how every one has an opinion on it.
have a Red Bull addiction, I’ve gone from at least three a day (I know its
horrible) to maybe one, but I would say I have about three a week, maybe more
if you count the Red Bull they put into my shooters. I don’t drink coffee, I am
allergic to some thing in coffee and I hate the taste. This is an actually
allergic, not like my allergy to tomatoes, which only seems to happen when I have
to yell at the Tim Horton’s worker who is making my sandwich because they don’t
speak English, and there always seems to be a tomato on my sandwich if I don’t
say I am allergic.
me having a Red Bull a couple times a week isn’t nearly as bad as the three
cups of coffee people generally have to get through their work day everyday.
Every one drinks coffee though so no one says to them
“ haven’t you followed the news that girl died
from drinking that stuff”
Yes I have thank you but…
It was a Monster, I am clearly drinking Red
Bull so shove it
Did you personally know this girl? What if
she had just shoved an 8 ball of cocaine up her nose? Or maybe she was having
really kinky sex and had a heart attack mid thurst. You don’t know if it was only
the Monster so back off buddy.
I don’t say shit about the unhealthy things
you do to your body so back off of mine
other really bad habit is smoking. Feel free to leave my blog because I am a
smoker or give me all the details of how smoking is bad for you la la la. It’s
2012 I know the side effects of smoking but at this point in my life if it wasn’t
for my 5 minute smoke break at 10 and 2 I’d shove a fork in my jugular or in
some one else’s, so I think it’s best at this point that I take my 5 minute
smoke break, pop some gum in my mouth and save my jugular. See I tried to quite
about a months ago, right around the time I started back up with indoor soccer and
I was fairly certain I was going to roll over and die from running so much in a
hot building. I cut out one smoke a day and was doing really good up until it
came to the work smokes and those just could not go at this point in time.
am also not pumping my body full of pills to stop smoking. My mom went on that
stuff and she was bonkers. Like certified straight jacket bonkers on it, I
believe she hurled a cheeseburger at my sister, and the irony in that is
endless. She levelled out and stopped talking Champix and is back to a
functioning level of crazy. She is my mother after all.
here is my point, because I do have one. At the end of the day, we all do or
put things into our body that isn’t good for. There will always be things that
you shouldn’t do, like eating to much tuna in fear of mercury poisoning, you
should buy organic (we all know my opinion on that organic bullshit) or get cum in your eye in fear of going blind.
See there are lots of things in life that aren’t going to be good for us and I
don’t judge yours so don’t judge mine.
One day I will stop drinking Red Bull and I wont smoke any more but for
the time being I am going to and probably will smoke until the dreaded day I
decide to have babies and not because I want to stop smoking, I love smoking,
but because people judge you on a whole new level for smoking while you are pregnant.
your mother probably smoked while you were in the womb and you turned out ok,
you are reading my blog after all, you can’t be that bad.